Lantero y Lantero is the official distributor of Chelsea Textiles in Spain.

Chelsea Textiles was born in 1990 to recreate handmade fabrics based on old documents. Lantero y Lantero brings them to Madrid so you can get to know them first hand. Created by Mona Perlhagen, resident in London after working and training at Bloomingdale's, New York. Mona identified the need in the market for very accurate recreations of antique hand embroidered fabrics and set about researching the most authentic materials and the best craftsmen in the world to produce hand embroidered fabrics of the same quality as those of the 17th and 18th centuries.

Over the years, Chelsea Textiles has continued with this original motto and has also created different product lines such as furniture (both traditional Gustavian and classic 20th century design), cushions with mixed textile lines, printed and embroidered. This firm is considered internationally as one of the most refined today, highlighting undoubtedly its hand-embroidered fabrics.

One of Chelsea textiles' most acclaimed design lines is its vintage approach to textiles and furniture from the first half of the 20th century.

INDIAN IRIS | Nuevo diseño 

Fielmente recreado a partir de un documento original del archivo Chelsea Textiles, Indian Iris se inspira en un impresionante diseño mogol del siglo XVIII.

Inspiradas en la artesanía tradicional, las flores del lirio indio, ricas en detalles y atemporales, cobran vida en los colores discretos característicos de Chelsea Textiles. Impreso en lino 100%, cada motivo floral es sutilmente diferente del anterior, reproduciendo el efecto de la impresión tradicional en bloque y el estampado gradual. Indian Iris está disponible como tela estampada y papel pintado a juego en tres tonalidades: antique blue, old gold y pomegranate.

Puedes descargar el PDF con toda la información de este diseño AQUÍ.


Sofisticado tejido a mano con rayas de fina textura y un exquisito acabado satinado, fabricado artísticamente en seda 100%. Tejida a mano en telares históricos en el corazón de Francia, esta raya de seda pura combina el brillo del satén con el efecto mate del tafetán, diseñada para complementar perfectamente la suntuosa seda lisa “Beauregard” de Chelsea Textiles.

Inspirándose en los colores suaves y elegantes de los tejidos del siglo XVIII que se encuentran en el Archivo Textil de Chelsea, la profundidad y riqueza de color de Amboise lo convierten en el tejido perfecto para tapizar muebles de época o para cortinas.

Disponible en cuatro variaciones de color: Écume de Mer/Orage, Orage/Rubis, Céladon/Or, Sarcelle & Vieil /Or.

Download the PDF with all the available information HERE.


Chelsea Textiles is proud to introduce its newest design, Arcadia. Available in vine or twig form with matching border. Taken from an 18th century English original, Arcadia is an exquisite example of 18th century embroidery depicting flora and foliage in remarkable detail.

Available in four color variations: Arcadia in Autumn, Arcadia in Spring, Arcadia Sprig in Autumn and Arcadia Sprig in Spring.

Download the PDF with all the available information HERE.


Toile de Joie is a whimsical fabric from the mind of influential Catalan artist Ramiro Fernandez Saus, capturing the imaginative thrill of discovering unexplored lands. This printed fabric, which is also available in smaller scale wallpaper, becomes a jungle that harbors hidden places, figures and animals that reveal themselves the further you explore the scene.

Venetian Damask is inspired by the traditions of printed papers and silk damask woven in Venice, designed by Patrick Kinmonth.
After many years designing sets and costumes for the theater and an artistic life pushing boundaries in fashion and design, Patrick Kinmonth has collaborated with Chelsea Textiles to create a collection of fabrics and papers inspired by his memories of Venice and his love of 18th century fabrics.

Damask, which takes its name from the city of Damascus, where it was made beginning in the Middle Ages, takes forms derived from nature and abstracted in patterns over hundreds of years, traveling from east to west along the Silk Road, bringing its exotic garden of idealized plant forms to the finest medieval interiors. Our Venetian Damask attempts to capture some of the subtle layers of poetry and history of a faded palace wall hanging, revealed by sunlight.