Art, design and fabrication define Christopher Farr Cloth, created by Michal Silver with his partners Christopher Farr and Matthew Bourne. Since its inception in 2000, Cloth's creative direction has been based on a commitment to the finest materials, traditional craftsmanship and innovative collaborations with renowned artists and designers from around the world.

Today, the collection encompasses fabrics, wallcoverings and trimmings, reflecting a passion for traditional textile production processes and an intellectual and playful approach to design and experimentation.

Cloth's instantly recognizable palette of shades acts as a unifying force that brings together the creativity of a range of artists and designers, from historical to contemporary. The collection's unique designs are born out of ongoing conversations and exchanges with designers, as well as inspiration drawn from archival works of 20th century artists.

The collection is produced by a very select group of artisans. All designs are hand-printed and screen-printed at a family-owned printing house in the UK. The fabrics are produced in European artisan mills, which explore new weave structures and innovative yarns.

Christopher Farr Cloth x Véronique de Soultrait Collaboration

La nueva colección Atelier Véronique es una colaboración única con la artista francesa Veronique de Soultrait. Veronique es conocida por sus intrincados bordados, que presentan pequeños motivos geométricos y orgánicos elaborados con cuerdas y elementos rústicos. Sus diseños, típicos de separadores de ambientes y cortinas, se han reinventado en esta colección.

Veronique ha integrado a la perfección sus característicos bordados con la paleta de colores de Christopher Farr Cloth, dando como resultado exquisitas telas para cortinas. Cada pieza está meticulosamente confeccionada a mano en la India sobre tela base de algodón y yute, con una cuidadosa atención al detalle, preservando los elementos de cuerda texturizada que definen las obras de Veronique.

Kit Kemp Collection

Kit Kemp takes an individual and original approach to designing her collection of fabrics and trims. Her use of color and attention to detail extols craftsmanship and captures the imagination. Kit values her working relationship with Michal Silver of Christopher Farr Cloth to bring her design ideas to life.

The collection is inspired by a love of art and travel, harmoniously fused with Christopher Farr's unwavering commitment to fabric and craftsmanship. We found three whimsical fabrics, each with its own playful personality.

HOTLINE is a vibrant, textured fabric that infuses dynamic energy. Ideal for upholstery or drapery, its durable quality and vivid colors make it irresistibly appealing.

BUSY LIZZIE radiates vitality, elegance and durability, with a geometric pattern that turns furniture into unique pieces.

LITTLE WEED puts a contemporary twist on tradition, offering a lyrical design with versatile geometric shapes. We love how the shapes fit seamlessly into a variety of environments.

These fabrics are complemented by two captivating printed fabrics and wallpapers. ZIG ZAG boldly reimagines the classic zigzag motif, infusing it with a playful rhythm with a contemporary twist.