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At the southernmost point of Europe, between the mountains and the Mediterranean Sea, lies the headquarters of James Malone Fabrics, surrounded by bougainvillea and olive trees. Perhaps because of its location, the South is present in the philosophy of this fabric publishing firm as the place chosen to relate to the rest of the world.

Originally from London, James arrived in Malaga at the age of 19 and, by chance, discovered his passion for textile design. Since then and throughout his professional life, he has not ceased to feed his spirit based on contrasts, with the curiosity of a person who lives trying to capture the essence of his environment. Her creations have been impregnated with the crossing of cultures, accumulation of experiences, childhood memories mixed with her experiences in Andalusia. In his collections there are westerly and easterly winds, brushstrokes of the African horizon, crossing of the Mediterranean and Atlantic seas.

Since the birth of the brand in 2011, in addition to being the owner, James is also the creative director. His creative work begins and ends in the fabric itself, to which he dedicates himself body and soul always pursuing authenticity, aware that fabrics are capable of transmitting sensations to the places they inhabit.

Dibujadas a mano, diseñadas y estampadas en España por el británico James Malone. Su colección abarca desde papel pintado hasta tejidos y una exquisita gama de cojines confeccionados a mano en Málaga.

Sus papeles y tejidos provienen de fuentes sostenibles y bien gestionadas, y son fabricados, estampados y acabados en instalaciones europeas que honran las materias primas seleccionadas. Comprometidos con métodos tradicionales que realzan la calidad de sus productos.