Lantero y Lantero, distributor of Casamance wallpapers in Madrid.
Casamance is a French publisher of fabrics and wallpapers. Their goal is to revitalize contemporary furnishings, which is why they invent tomorrow's classics and create timeless designs to enhance interiors with style.
Its collections are distinguished by their finely crafted color ranges, diverse motifs and quality materials. The alchemy of colors dresses architectural spaces with French elegance.
With the moderation and delicacy of the great French decoration brands, Casamance inscribes in its fabrics and wallpapers a beauty that transcends fashion and time. The brand energizes contemporary interiors and warms up the most authentic environments.
De la materia natural al papel pintado… La precisión del gesto y la belleza de la materia emanan de estas creaciones artesanales y son el origen de nuestras texturas vinílicas. Expertamente ensambladas y declinadas en tonos sutiles, las esencias colonizan las paredes.
La riqueza vegetal se inscribe en la materia y despierta nuestros sentidos. Esta colección mural perfectamente realista responde a nuestra profunda necesidad de naturaleza.
La colección rinde homenaje al genio del arquitecto y diseñador Hector Guimard, figura emblemática del Art Nouveau francés. Su estilo único se aprecia en las líneas de esta pequeña mansión parisina, la «Square Jasmin».
La colección retrata su prodigiosa creatividad a través de diseños florales, líneas y curvas gráficas y delicadas escenas botánicas. Los diseños hablan de una elegante geometría revelada a través de las texturas. Entre el brillo exquisito y el mate, cada diseño expresa un profundo refinamiento que continúa a través de la gama de tonos.
Las tintas enfatizan ciertos elementos con precisión, dando a un detalle una importancia particular, como si se hicieran eco del espíritu de Guimard.
Let yourself be carried away on a journey down the Nile, to discover the wonders of ancient and modern Egypt. A journey along the banks of the river, following its rhythm in a sailboat carried by the wind... Its banks, like extraordinary hanging gardens, can be discovered through a collection full of history and reinvented with contemporary style. The exquisite designs represent lush flora and timeless geometry.
From oases to palm groves, from temples to ancient cities, they come to life in muted tones and refined luminosity.
Natural and luxurious, the SOLAL collection is the setting for an authentic and wild beauty. Raffia fibers, sisal, wood pulp, cotton and oriental linen are the jewels. The plant material is worked with respect for its uniqueness, making the most of an unstable hand and the irregularity of the fiber. With artisanal know-how and respect for the materials, the collection combines vegetable fibers with exquisite fabrics.
Imperfect and dazzling, cut and glued in surprising geometric compositions, they are available in a range of natural colors and cover your walls with their natural beauty.
Inspired by the walls of southern France, this collection reproduces the look of lime wash. Its mineral character is found in the natural grain of the paper and the hand-painted stripes. With its perfectly matte finish, the collection allows light to glide softly over it and envelops rooms in its earthy tones.
A collection of our most beautiful plains and textures classified by color universe.
This collection is inspired by a piece of land, a concentration of beauty in the vastness of the Atlantic Ocean. In the Arcachon Bay, the Bird Island is known for its huts built on stilts and its coastal landscapes. Exceptional places where the dune forests meet the ocean shores, where graceful wading birds land every year. All the mystery and fragility of nature captured on textured paper in luminous tones.