Come to Lantero and Lantero stores to know the Manuel Cánovas wallpapers.

Working directly with artists and craftsmen, this fabric house has fabrics and wallpapers par excellence is constantly inspired by rare archival documents, travels to exotic places and vibrant colors.

The unmistakable designs, the most exclusive luxury and the emphasis on texture that characterize its fabrics are once again evident in Manuel Canovas wallpapers.


Iconic and charismatic, these beautiful and historic designs bring walls to life through the Indian tropics, romanticized 18th century France or traditional Japanese landscapes.


Bringing stunning French-inspired design to wallpaper: this collection of bold and highly individual designs is perfect for adding a distinctive touch to your home. Renowned for quality design and innovative use of color, these wallpapers will bring the look of haute couture to your home. Designs include jungle themes, oriental influences, geometrics and wallpapers that reference traditional and intelligent spaces.