Lantero y Lantero, Iksel distributor in Madrid.

Iksel is the result of 30 years of artistic endeavor in a studio with a great team of artists and painters. It is themost versatile muralbrandin existence. The customer chooses the right image and size for his purpose.

The firm does interesting work on old archives, carrying out the restoration and refinement of these old documents. Their great artistic ability and taste for detail, has led them to be well known, appearing in a large number of magazines dedicated to interior design and fashion. magazines dedicated to interior design and fashion.

Iksel is the first company to transfer handmade art to a digital format. But not for the purpose of mass production, but to improve its quality. The murals are produced when the order is placed, in order to adapt to any size and color scheme. Prints can be made on paper, polyester or textile canvas.

 D-Safavid Reverie

Dimonah imaginó esta decoración, enteramente a partir de miniaturas safávidas del siglo XVII. Hay muchos estilos de miniaturas persas, pero éste brilla por la elegancia de sus personajes. Aquí hay muchos cuentos populares reconocibles para el conocedor, pero sólo color y fantasía orientales para el decorador.
La pintura es muy fiel a los originales y los rasgos asiáticos se deben al origen turco de la dinastía y los nobles de la época.

Blooming Fantasy

Con su denso follaje y profusión de insectos y pájaros, esta amplia decoración de cuatro paneles decoración evoca los ricos diseños de los cueros españoles,
ampliamente utilizados como revestimiento mural en Europa entre los siglos XVI y XVIII.
Este diseño toma prestados elementos directamente de muchos de nuestros decorados a la manera de Arte Povere.

Floral Tapestry

Este tapiz floral se inspira en una rara obra floral de Bruselas ejecutada en el siglo XVI. Esta decoración también está disponible en una versión con cenefas.

Japanese Grass

Este panel muestra un campo de hierba Suzuki (o miscanthus), tradicionalmente asociada al otoño en la tradición japonesa. La composición se basa en la obra de un artista japonés desconocido del periodo Muromachi (siglo XVI). La hierba y la pincelada del pintor transmiten una sensación de calma, crecimiento y optimismo. Disponible en tres colores.

Japanese Meadow

Esta decoración, pintada a mano estudio se inspira directamente en un biombo japonés del siglo XVII. Representa un campo de flores silvestres otoñales.
La eulalia y el trébol de arbusto japonés, creciendo ambos en abundancia.

Japanese Stables

Diseño basado en dos pantallas japonesas restauradas. La parte superior fue pintada por un artista desconocido a principios de siglo en estilo Yamato-e. El prado inferior procede de una obra de principios del siglo XVII que representa la luna llena sobre una llanura de hierba de hierba en otoño.

Standard Decors Collection Vol. II

This collection consists of 10 designs. In all cases you can order the number and sequence of panels you want to adapt it to your wall.
They are manufactured in various heights to be able to install them in rooms of different heights:

225 cm high x 90 cm wide | 255 cm high x 90 cm wide | 275 cm high x 90 cm wide | 300 cm height x 90 cm width | 325 cm height x 90 cm width | 325 cm height x 90 cm width


(Up to 3 panels)


(Up to 3 panels)

(Up to 12 panels)


(Up to 27 panels)


(Up to 22 panels)


( Up to 3 panels)


(Up to 7 panels)


(Up to 11 panels)



(Up to 5 panels)

Standard Decors Collection Vol. I

This collection consists of 20 designs, which can be made in natural color, black and white or sepia. In all cases you can order the number and sequence of panels you want to adapt it to your wall.
They are manufactured in various heights to be able to install them in living rooms of different heights:

225 cm high x 90 cm wide | 255 cm high x 90 cm wide | 275 cm high x 90 cm wide | 300 cm height x 90 cm width | 325 cm height x 90 cm width | 325 cm height x 90 cm width

Bagatelle (Up to 11 panels)
Inspired by the painting Jardins de Bagatelle published in 1805 by unknown author.

D Dream Mural (Up to 18 panels)
The stylistic documents for this mural come from the great naturalists of the late Renaissance of the 18th century. Designed by Domonah.

Costermans Garden (Up to 10 panels)
Symmetry of trees of the same size populated by different types of birds.

Edo Wisteria (Up to11 panels)
Originally from Japan in the 17th century, it is a modern creation.

Governor's Visit (Up to 9 panels)
This is an old document from the East India Company of 1770.

Hindustan (Up to 38 panels)
It is a nostalgic version of a vision of Dimonah and Mehmet of this country they love so much.

Canton Reverie (Up to 6 panels)
A whimsical landscape of village life in the early 19th century.

D-Ocean Still Life (Up to 23 panels)
This mural is one of Iksel's largest, so it allows to cover large rooms without repeating the drawing.

Arcadia (Largest piece to date with 64 panels covering more than 57 linear meters).
Based on the work of Nicolas Poussin offers us an imaginary Italy in this fresco.

Romantic Bosphorus (Up to 17 panels)
Painted from a lithograph printed in the 1850s by the Maltese painter Jean-Giovanni Schranz.

Exotic Chinoiserie (Up to 20 panels)
It is inspired by the paintings in the music room of the Brighton Pavilion executed by Henry Lambelet under the supervision of Frederick Crace.

Brunelleschi Perspective
Corresponds to a series of Ideal Cities painted by Brunelleschi in the mid-15th century.

D-Rajput Fantasy (Up to 28 panels)
Based on paintings from the Kronos de Rajput collection at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, NY.

Japanese Cranes (Up to 21 panels)
Landscape developed from 17th century Japanese screens.

Japanese Cornflowers (Up to 3 panels)
Very original and modern looking design from Edo Japan (17th century) to be used as a mural instead of decoration.

Kubilai's Tent (Up to 8 panels)
Design taken from an Abbasid wood paneling.