Come to Lantero and Lantero stores to see the latest in fabrics and upholstery from Manuel Canovas.

Manuel Canovas is a luxury fabrics brand founded in 1963 in France known internationally for the quality of its fabrics and vivid colors. Specializing in high quality printed fabrics, it is inspired by travel and the history of French design.

The luxurious fabrics and stunning prints are instantly recognizable by their unusual color harmonies. Highly stylish prints, weaves and wallpapers make Manuel Canovas fabrics a distinctive choice for interiors.

Their textiles are loaded with rich and elegant designs that surprise with their harmony of color. As they define themselves, they are faithful to the French art de vivre and always have a touch of 18th century nostalgia. Their fabulous designs are mostly inspired by travels to exotic places, from there they absorb a wide range of colors, floral motifs and everyday scenes from different cultures.

The Canovas collections feature embroidery, woven plains in extensive color ranges, luxurious velvets, elegant damasks and a variety of stripes.


Estampados decorativos, tejidos y bordados.
Como un coleccionista que reúne meticulosamente y superpone con arte los diseños más cautivadores en un cuadro distintivo: desde suzanis bordados hasta grandes y sedosos ikats, motivos de chinoiserie e impresionantes indiennes.


Tejidos decorativos.
Con un sutil acabado satinado, estos sofisticados diseños a pequeña escala y rayas están bellamente coordinados en colores frescos y contemporáneos para una elegancia sin esfuerzo.


Terciopelos decorativos
Tres rayas elegantes y sofisticadas con diversas inspiraciones se asientan junto a un juguetón motivo floral.


Patrones de enrejado tonales, follaje exuberante y lisos texturados añaden un elemento sofisticado a la gama, todos con las más altas características de rendimiento, haciéndolos ideales para uso exterior e interior de alto tráfico.


Tejidos lisos
Explorando la versatilidad del lino, este trío de tejidos lisos y semilisos de doble uso muestran la belleza natural y el carácter de esta fibra atemporal.


Terciopelo liso.
Este terciopelo liso ricamente tejido combina a la perfección la practicidad de un tejido de alto rendimiento con el encanto de una estética lujosa.


This year, Manuel Canovas' collection emphasizes elegance and refinement, with the intention of conveying a distinctive sense of chic à la française that remains true to the House's unique aesthetic. It seamlessly blends rare archival materials from distant and exotic origins with those from European sources, incorporating sumptuous natural elements and increasingly innovative, high-performance fabrics.

This journey through time aims to create the most inspiring fabrics and trims, offering fresh interpretations that resonate with contemporary tastes and encouraging the creation of distinctive interiors with a strong personality.