Discover in Lantero and Lantero stores in Madrid the fabrics of Anna French.

Among its collections we find references to multiple historical reproductions that focus their attention on geographical areas such as India, Japan or England itself. In their tones, shapes and materials there is an optimum quality and treatment of the products.

Behind each pattern, color and combination of these is a story that is reflected in these fabrics.


Como una exuberante campiña inglesa rebosante de flores de colores, Bristol Collection rebosa de verde follaje. Pasee por los jardines y contemple de primera mano los helechos trepadores, las mariposas parlanchinas y las flores en ciernes.
La colección Bristol de Anna French, una colección coordinada de telas y revestimientos murales, irradia sofisticación, herencia y la belleza intrínseca de la naturaleza. Una paleta de colores de verdes ricos y terrosos, rosas y azules delicados, y negros y grises cambiantes hacen que la colección sea accesible y universal.


Devon is a decorative collection of fabrics and wallpapers wallpapers that delves into Anna French's heritage with reproductions of antique documents, English florals, scenic murals, crisp gingham plaids and cut velvets.
The broad color palette offers sophisticated warm tones of caramel, soft gold and rose, with colors that bring a sense of spring.

Consult their fabric collections here