Lantero y Lantero is the official distributor of Anna French in Madrid.
Come to our stores to see the latest the latest collections of fabrics and wallpapers.

Anna French's fabrics and wallpapers are highly coveted and recognizable; she makes bold use of color and the ways of combining designs has enriched interiors around the world. From homes to hotels, the unique and timeless nature of her designs make them a style statement for any lover of glamorous interiors.

With over 30 years of experience, Anna French maintains an impressive balance between innovative and classic design. Her designs are authentic and versatile. Drawing inspiration from the natural world, her designs are charged with movement, shapes, colors and patterns from the environments around her.


Como una exuberante campiña inglesa rebosante de flores de colores, Bristol Collection rebosa de verde follaje. Pasee por los jardines y contemple de primera mano los helechos trepadores, las mariposas parlanchinas y las flores en ciernes.
La colección Bristol de Anna French, una colección coordinada de telas y revestimientos murales, irradia sofisticación, herencia y la belleza intrínseca de la naturaleza. Una paleta de colores de verdes ricos y terrosos, rosas y azules delicados, y negros y grises cambiantes hacen que la colección sea accesible y universal.


Devon is a decorative collection of fabrics and wallpapers that delves into Anna French's heritage with reproductions of antique documents, English florals, scenic murals, crisp gingham plaids and cut velvets.
The broad color palette offers sophisticated warm tones of caramel, soft gold and rose, with colors that bring a sense of spring.


This collection is characterized by a balance of 18th century French provincial designs and historical reproductions of colorful Indian motifs mixed with scenic elements and elegant details from archival documents.


Influenced by the modern elegance of the 1920s, Savoy is a lush collection of coordinated prints, fabrics and wallcoverings that deftly combine the graphic geometry of Art Deco with exotic botanical and organic elements such as winding garden paths and bouquets of flowers. The collection includes charming small-scale motifs of trees, festoons and fan flowers, as well as spectacular geometric motifs and blooming lotus and iris flowers in color combinations inspired by the original document illustrations.


Influenced by the expressive spirit of the 1920s, Willow Tree by Anna French is a colorful collection of coordinated prints, fabrics and wallcoverings with an elegant twist. Willow Tree combines Art Deco geometry with large-scale motifs of flowers, butterflies and dragons, all inspired by vintage documents of the era. The collection is complemented by several companion styles, from multi-purpose stripes and miniature motifs to textured coordinates.